
Cha Ching, Cha Ching – check out these wins

May 10, 2017 Posted in Facts by No Comments
Players are drawn to online gambling for various reasons. Some enjoy the thrill of the game; while other use it as just a hobby to past the time. No matter what lures players in, the one wish that every gamer wants granted is: to hit it big and win a lot of money! Isnโ€™t that the point of gambling? To risk a little and win a lot? This article will discuss several online gambling sites popular for their big wins.

Betsson Casino

Betsson Casino is the โ€œland of opportunityโ€ when it comes to winning jackpots. Betsson gives its players ninety opportunities to win. This casinoโ€™s 2016 jackpot estimates in a sum of one hundred fifty million dollars which equates to about thirty-six players turning into millionaires. Sounds great, right? If a gamer really wants to up their chances of winning; they should play the slot called, โ€œHall of Gods.โ€ Hall of Gods is the only slot game that has the highest probability of wins at Betsson Casino; carrying seventeen of the thirty-six millionaires. Tired of losing? Then join Betsson Casino where everybody wins!



Unlike its peers, YakoCasino is a site that is fairly new to the gaming world. Itโ€™s only been around for two years, but has already made itself a legendary go-to site for gamers. Like most players learning a new site, the famous winner probably bet a little money here and there, just hoping that he could win that jackpot. Well in early November of 2015, Marcus Goodwinโ€™s hope turned into a reality when he won $11.5 million dollars with the Mega Moolah Slot game! Can you say, โ€œHappy Holidays!โ€ Marcus shared his thoughts with the world as he commented on his win, โ€œThis is obviously life changing! I cannot believe it! I will definitely be buying a nice big house and a vacation cottage!โ€ The joy that Marcus felt is the emotion that all gamers hope to feel! Thanks to his win, YakoCasino is now on the radar for hitting jackpots. In addition, YakoCasino offers 10 free spins with no deposit and matching free spins to deposit amounts. All it takes is one good spin to be a millionaire! Who wouldnโ€™t want to be the next Marcus Goodwin?

Jackpot King

In U.S. history the question, โ€œCan pigs fly?โ€ was used as a way of saying that something will never happen. Well, in April of 2017, a winner of the Pig Wizard Slot proved that rhetorical question false when he won โ‚ฌ3.1m. While the information about the winnerโ€™s name is unknown, one thing all gamers know is that the winner is now filthy rich! Here is the most fantastic part about winning on Jackpot King: there is no minimum bet required! The prizes and jackpots remain the same regardless of the amount a player wagers. What does this mean for players? It means that they can wager fifty cents and end up with three million! Not a bad deal for online gambling site. If a gamer is looking to spend less and get more, than Jackpot King is the site to play!

These examples of jackpot wins give hope to all online gamers to keep going. Early retirement, paid vacations, and being debt free are all attainable hopes. Who knows? That wish of โ€œhitting it bigโ€ could be granted one day!