
Casino Edge Sorting Explained

June 14, 2020 Posted in News by No Comments

The casino industry has been with us for such a long time now.

Its practically used since the earliest days of ancient cultures, and it still is very popular.

Some people ask why is this still one of the top hobbies that humans absolutely love.

Well, the answer is easy.

You have fun and are earning a big amount of money at the same time.

Its the perfect environment for anyone who wants a little adventure in his life.

In baccarat and in poker, the social circle of people is pretty big all the time.

And there are practically all kids of people playing it, and all of them have the same goal as you on that table.

They want to win that casino money and 

Have a  good time.

a stack of casino cards with an ace next to them

And this is where the strategies and the tactics are parting ways.

Every way of winning the game has its own story, and this is a fact.

One of the very popular tactics in poker and baccarat is the card edge sorting.

It doesn’t apply in the games that are played card-free, such as slots.

Is this cheating? How exactly does it work?

There are s many questions and wonders about this way of playing, but of course, there are also answers as well.

Read on to find them out! 

What Exactly Is Edge Sorting and Is It Considered Cheating?

If we want to define this in the best possible way, edge sorting is a tactic used in the poker world.

And in the baccarat as well. It uses the best imperfections on the back of the cards in order to use that as their advantage.

According to the rules, the nack of the cards must be perfectly symmetrical, and this disadvantage can be used as a loophole to win the game.

Of course, you need all the experience you can get before actually using this in your real-life casino grounds.

But, once you master it, it can be a pretty good opportunity.

three casino cards showing their back

According to some casino experts, the line is very thin between cheating and advantage play.

And this technique is an advantage play. The reason behind it is that players dont need anything from their outside in order to achieve their goal.

But, it’s not the natural way to win the game, and that’s why other experts and casino judges consider it as cheating.

The opinions are divided and there is a lot to discuss on this subject.

The one-worded answer is not enough. 

With all of these things combine, it’s pretty hard to make a decision.

After all, everyone has its own opinion base on everything, and the edge sorting is no exception.

For some people, it’s hard cheating and needs to be fine as soon as possible.

But, for other people, it’s considered a completely fair way of gambling.

According to them, all you have to do is observe the situation in the best way possible.

The only way to find out whether it works for you or not is to try it.